Mung bean: A Super Food
According to Ayurveda, mung beans have the highest nutritious value among legumes, thus providing you with immense benefits. They are very high in protein and you can consume on a daily basis. They are light to digest and balance Pitta and Kapha as well as slightly heighten Vata.
Soupy Mung beans Ingredients:

Khichari or khichri or khichdi literally means mixture. It’s a dish from India and each khichari recipe is a representative of the region in India it comes from.
My recipe is ayurvedic in that it includes use of all six rasas or tastes which makes it a complete One Pot Meal.
Khichari Ingredients:
Butternut Squash Stew
This is a delicious stew! It is balanced and hardy meal for all Dosha types. Both Vata and Pitta types love it for the sweetness and Kapha types enjoy it when they spice it up to their choice. Enjoy it with any grain of your choice.
Butternut Squash Stew Ingredients:

Buttermilk is usually made with freshly prepared yogurt. This buttermilk is astringent and sour in taste. It helps to ignite the digestive fire.
Buttermilk Ingredients:
Energy Bars
These easy energy snacks are loaded with nutrients. They have nuts and other nutritional ingredients which are ideal for the winter season. Winter time is when there is release of energy from Mother Earth, Sun’s hot rays are far from us in the Northern Hemisphere. We feel energetic and full of strength. These little snacks help us gain and maintain our energy through the cold months. Add ghee to make them more immune boosting. Enjoy!
Apricot coconut bites ingredients and steps: